Thrity Engineer

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Thrity Engineer, Visionärin, Autorin, Forscherin und Experimentatorin, sucht und liebt das Besondere, Ausserordentliche und Aussergewöhnliche. Sie ist Begründerin der 3S (suble-sacred-scientific), CETS (Coherence Enhancement Training System), des Supercohenrence Programms und Co-Entwicklering der Superkoherenz-zurück zur-Liebe Frequenzen (Supercoherence Returne to Love Frequencies – SRTLFs) und anderer Frequenz-Werkzeuge des Supercoherence Systems. Ihr erstes Buch war “Supercoherence – The 7th Sense (Hay House 2008), ihr zweites “Supercoherence – The Return to Love”, (2015). Sie arbeitet seit 1995 mit dem Luminator, einer “extraordinary real life Star Trek Technologie”. Sie ist in Mumbai (Indien) geboren und aufgewachsen und lebt heute in London.
Visionary, author and explorer,experimenter,researcher, searches for and loves the extraordinary, the exquisite and the exceptional. She is the founder of 3S (subtle-sacred-scientific), CETS (Coherence Enhancement Training Systems) the Supercoherence Program and the co-creator of the Supercoherence Return to Love Frequencies – (SRTLFs) and the other frequency tools of the Supercoherence system. Her first book was Supercoherence – The 7th Sense (Hay House 2008). Her second book Supercoherence – The Return To Love was published in 2015. She has worked with the extraordinary real life “Star Trek” technology called the Luminator since 1995. Born and raised in Mumbai, she lives and works in London
Der Ursprungs-Code des Menschen (Thrity Engineer)